Greetings fellow juicing recipes...ers!(?) First entry in a while, but believe me it's not by choice. I had a brilliant time over the last few months consulting at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games in Singapore, where I saw and interacted with so many young up and coming athletes. Speaking of which, I'm giving you a heads up now by saying keep an eye out, because there's a few youngsters now that will be superstars in professional sports soon. I watched records broken and hearts swell at these games, and it literally left me feeling as though there may be hope for humanity yet.
FACTOID: A bit off topic, but if you've never been to Singapore, believe me the city is nothing short of breathtaking. And the food is ... well... you just have to go there to experience how good it is. Come to think of it, ALL of Malaysia and definitely every inch of Japan should be required travel. The culture and vastness of sights will take your breathe away, and once you've visited you will understand why the concept of Zen was developed in that region. These countries are worth entries into your "List of Places To See Before I Die". Truly.
At any rate, the point is that the travel left me completely unable to update this site much at all, and I say that with my humble apologies. Still, I have to admit my time in Asia was nothing short of brilliant.
So anyways, I just wanted to pop in quickly and say hey, guess what? It's Black Friday and it's coming up fast! Now although "Black Friday" may sound like the title used for the day the world will come to an end, it's actually nothing more than THE SINGLE BEST DAY OF THE YEAR to find deals, on anything you can think of no less! In fact I have friends who forgo many major purchases all year, until Black Friday, at which point they stock up on everything from juicers to plasma TV's, home workout equipment, e.t.c...
Believe me when I say, anyone in the know knows that AMAZON is definitely your best friend, come Black Friday. The deals you find (at Amazon) are nothing short of absolutely brilliant. I have mentioned that Amazon sells pretty much everything, yes?
(Yes, shamelessly, you can consider that Amazon paragraph the blogosphere equivalent of a 30 second TV commercial, or perhaps an annoying product placement in an otherwise brilliant feature film. What can I say, we all have to pay the bills ;) Honestly though, Amazon is the beez kneez... ahem... now back to the regularly scheduled program :))
For the proper utilization of the advice and recipes I provide here, there's a few things you should have already kicking around in your house. Now I'll tell you, if these items are not all bright, shiny, awe inspiring and virtual mainstays in your home yet, click the pictures you're looking at within in this post (below for example) and grab them now while the price is right! And no, that is NOT crass commercial self-interest, it's me helping with both your better health, and "simple savings 101". Believe me, you won't find deals like this any other time of the year (except perhaps Boxing Day) So if you are still without, get WITH. IT.

In light of my first day back from such a humongous lay off, below I've left you a veritable plethora of juicing for health recipes that will make your days brighter, make skittles and puppies fall from the sky to land on fluffy pillows, and cast a permanent rainbow over your home, wherever that home may be.
But before you go to recipe nirvana, just have to let you know this: Do stay tuned because soon my juicing book will be available here, which will include over 1000 healthy juicing recipes, along with a section dedicated to Diabetes and juicing, and a detailed section dedicated to juicing for medical conditions such as Osteoporosis, Cancer, e.t.c... All in all, my little foray into the world of juicing has received various awards and accolades, and has already sold almost 80 000 copies in literally no time. But alas, I had signed a contract with the devil many moons ago, keeping it an exclusive item on one very popular and very strict fitness magazine. The horror! But then if you're a regular on my site I've told you most of this before. Well, I'm nothing if not redundant :)
Having said that, after many delays and contract negotiations, I can almost assuredly begin offering the book here starting in December (around the 15th!) It was scheduled for July, but alas, when you dance with the devil... well you know the rest ;). Hey wait a sec... a December release? Perfect timing for Xmas, and my-oh-my, there's massive amounts of Christmas juicing recipes inside my little book on the web. Hmmm... Coincidence, or marketing genius? Believe me, it's the former not the latter ;), I am to marketing as etch and sketch is to art.
At any rate gentle reader, CHEERS!
Juicing Recipes:
Home Is Where The Heart... AND JUICER Is
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1 cup of kale
- 1 cup parsley
- 1/2 apple
- 1 banana
Tropical Getaway
- 1 guava
- 1 papaya
- 1 dragonfruit
- 1 mango
- 1 mandarin orange
Sparkling Canada Dry
- 1/2 Lime
- 1 apple, cored and sliced
- 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ginger
- 1/4 lemon
- one scoop (or large) handful of grapes
- mineral water
- 1lb of peeled carrots (yep, that's right a pound)
- green leafy vegetables (red or green lettuce, carrot greens)
- 1 apple
- 1/2 to 2/3 peeled lemon (measurement depends on your propensity for the "Tangy" factor ;))
- 1/4 cup broccoli (to taste)
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