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Let's just examine some of uses for wheat-grass juice:
- 19 amino acids (yep, you read that right... 19!)
- chlorophyll (read on to find out why chlorophyll basks in a sea of awesomeness)
- minerals (over 90, in high concentrations, including the heavy-hitter alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium)
- vitamins (can anyone say "way to go Captain Obvious"?)
- enzymes (protease, transhydrogenase, cytochrome Oxidase, lipase, e.t.c...)
So you may be asking, what else can some frikin' grass do for my health? Ha. So much more, my fair and gentle reader, so much. This super-food assists in the production of red blood cells, and those little suckers are the entire body's oxygen delivery system, your very own molecular version of the UPS guy. So needless to say that oxygenating every organ you have will combat fatigue during exercise, as well as shore up your defenses against those pesky little environmental issues like pollution and carbon monoxide.
Also, some of you may remember high school, when you first learned about this thing called haemoglobin. If not, haemoglobin is the iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloproteins in the red blood cells of all vertebrate. (Thanks Wikipedia ;)) What high school didn't teach you, (at least not my high school) is that chlorophyll is just about identical to haemoglobin under a microscope. What this means is that our body's engine finds it markedly easy to transform chlorophyll into haemoglobin and offer our system a serious increase in red blood cells, and as a result, oxygenation.
Is there anything not technical to be said for chlorophyll, and why it is to health as a Fender Stratocaster was to Jimmy Hendrix? Yes. Put it this way, chlorophyll normalizes blood pressure, it energizes the body via alkalizing the blood, and it is like a smart bomb attack on environmental issues such as pollution, that can make us unhealthy just from simple proximity.
Can you say "amino acids" 5 times fast?
Amino acids, to be Captain Obvious yet again, are what builds protein, which in turn helps muscle and cell growth as well as maintenance. Need I say more? Not really, but I will. Wheat-grass is a thorough and complete protein source, and this is why many athletes juice it daily.
Plainly I could go on and on, as I said, a novel would cover it's benefits; maybe. It helps fight and cover our butts against illness, acting as our immune system's very own

So where do I get wheat-grass and how do I juice it?
The questions abound at this point. Many of you might be wondering "where do I get wheat-grass?"; "Does it grow on my front lawn?"; "How do I get that good stuff in my body most effectively?". The short and not so brilliant answer is to grab a supplement. A few of the organic and reputable brands can be found here and here. Having said that, supplements are a silver medal to wheat-grass juicing Gold, second place to actually grabbing your own grass (from any health food store worth it's salt) and juicing it in a juicer specifically designed for the purpose. And of course, you can grow your own wheat-grass with very little effort, in your own kitchen.
Your normal veggie and fruit juicer likely won't juice wheat-grass effectively, for reasons I won't get into here. Some of the best grass juicers might be available at certain appliance stores; maybe. In some parts of the universe they can be hard to find, minus a special order. Amazon has a few excellent Wheat-grass juicers, both manual and electric. The best I've found, and the one that sits in my own kitchen (right next to my Uber cool Breville) is the Omega J8004 Nutrition Center. You would do well to click that preceding link, or head here and grab one, since you can save $81.00 (or 24%) from the retail price, as opposed to buying from the store down the road. Here's some pictures of manual and electric wheat-grass juicers, with click-able links for more info.

It's not really of import to me where or how you grab your grass juicers, I make literally pennies from selling this stuff on my site. My biggest concern is that you see the vast benefits wheat-grass will offer your juicing for health lifestyle, and you get up off your butt and grab the tools you need for your very own daily dose of Uber-Super-food.
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