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Hiya folks! A big warm and fuzzy hello to all my fair and gentle readers! Hope you all liked my Longevity "series". There will be more for that series a bit later in the month, as I've come to love the subject thanks to Ray Kurzweil. If you haven't heard of Ray (or seen him on TV) he is the board certified resident guru in the world of life extension and longevity. His website kurzweilai.net is worth an extended visit. My guess is after one glance you'll bookmark him, google him, and study his musings for hours, because his vision of the future of health and longevity is truly inspiring, fantastic, creepy.

As for my world today, I've no major juicing for health epiphanies to impart since I'm currently reviewing a few branded juicers (you'll see the reviews soon). I did however spend some time surfing and caught the video linked below, which you should consider watching from front to back (it's only 6 minutes). It is an excellent mini education on the benefits of juicing for health, from a seminar in London. I've been to a few health seminars in my tenure, and some are about as useful as a bunny rabbit in an bull fight, however this "seminar guy" (for lack of a more fitting description ;)) seems to know what he's on about when it comes to nutrition and juicing.
I should warn you that the audio is fairly lame VERY lame - as it was recorded from a hand held, without a doubt. So you might wanna turn it slightly up, or wear headphones. Also, at about 2:40 seconds in, watch out for someone coughing directly into the microphone, because it almost gave me a heart attack :(). Aside from that, if things like macro and micronutrients make you feel all warm and fuzzy and your heart skips a beat, this one's definitely for you.
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