Greetings to all my subscribers used to my old and very monotonous site design. I just wanted to make a quick post to let you know the site has been redesigned from the ground up. It is a work in progress, so you may see things change here from time to time.
It has been over a year since I started this site, and since the web changes so rapidly I assume that's the equivalent of around 140 human years. So I figured I would spend some time sending the juicing recipes blog to the gym, to the plastic surgeon, and eventually to the salon.
And so it's back in a brand new and far slicker theme (if I do say so myself). Welcome to the big reveal! (Whoa, I definitely watch too much reality television!) Please don't hesitate to leave a comment or 10 and let me know if this design is easier on your eyes than the last look. In my worst case scenario you may think it's absolute rubbish, but even if that is the case I truly want to hear about it so I might continue to improve on things as 2009 unfolds.
As some of my readers already know, I also write for a major fitness magazine, but contractually I can't link it here or mention it - without fear of being whisked away by men in black and being tortured within an inch of my life. However, I have to mention that the the site layout of that magazine's online division doesn't look anywhere near as sexy as my new design. LOL!! Wow, I actually feel like a proud parent. Is that bad?
Btw have you had your juice yet today? If not, try this one:
Heavenly Health
2 carrots
1 sweet potato
2 apples
thin slice of Spanish onion
pinch dulse powder
Wow the new look is much better!!! It is so much cleaner. Good job.
What a difference a day makes ;)
Blog looks much nicer P. I would add one more color somewhere, but then I am a sucker for disco so I may be reaching to ask. Nice layout as well. Impressive.
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