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However, the Asian example will pale in comparison to us tomorrow, certainly. Yes? Busily, like my friends in Singapore and Melbourne are doing right now, you'll be reading off your resolutions, adding positive affirmation notes to the bathroom mirror, making those calls to your favorite personal trainer, putting all the Twinkies in the rubbish bin, doing your first round of Plyometric/jump training.... OK, OK. Not. Not most of you anyway. And I certainly won't be that daft either, to be honest. Since I am an official juicing enthusiast/fitness nag for 364 days per year, on New Years Eve even I get the night off. So I'm likely to be wearing the same lamp shade on my head that you'll be sporting, which means the morning after could be a rough one all the way around.
Looking at things realistically - on the first day of 2011, we'll all quite probably be easing out of bed very methodically, avoiding sunlight, noise, sudden movement, and any floor debris that was collected from the previous night's shenanigans. The good news is this: in your kitchen is your friend "the juicer", and within the magic of that mechanism - combined with your vegetable crisper contents - lay a cure for the pounding head, along with the nausea and general happy-crappy feeling most of us will be suffering.
Of course you know this already because you read my last article, yes? In case you missed it I gave up a juicing recipe secret from my book, one that gives you the biggest advantage for getting rid of a nagging hangover. Look below, I'll put it up again here for ease of access. In fact I'll post it identically twice below, so that on the off chance you are still seeing double come January 1, you can just close one eye, pick the recipe you still see, and pop the ingredients into your juicer. Will even make a slight variation of the recipe so that it holds maximum taste, maximum amounts of B and C vitamins, and the least amount of effort to your weary, post "party all night long" body.
I've already made my own Resolution for the coming year, just so you know. It's my goal to help every person reading this site healthier than ever before, using juicing techniques, fitness and meditation tips that have been handed down to me from Greek Gods, Batman, and Chuck Norris. Yes, that's right, Chuck Norris. (OK I'm, kidding, Chuck was busy) Having said that I'm certainly not going to muddle your time now whinging and moaning about what vegetables should be in your fridge, nor what runners to buy for jump training and Pilates. Yes fair and gentle reader, Juicing Recipes for Health will patiently wait for a few days so you can get ALL your ducks in a row, lay out those resolutions, steel your resolve, and prepare yourself for the healthiest year of your life. This coming year we will make it happen, but in the meantime there is some serious partying to expedite.
So we'll see you in a few days! Oh and BTW, please, PLEASE be extremely careful on the roads. The weather has been miserable enough this year for most of us. Having said that, within this next 24 hours (as you well know) there could be a fair share of lunatics on the road without the proper common sense to NOT drink and drive. We don't need to figure out a juicing recipe for a cracked skull, thanks to some knucklehead drunk driver. Got it?! So take a taxi (or a dogsled depending on the weather), but be sure to have boat loads of fun this New Year!!
2011 Hangover Special (Left Eye)
5-6 Carrots
1 Beet
3 Large Tomatoes
1 bunch Spinach
1/8 Cabbage
Kale leaves
1 Red Bell-Pepper
1 stalk Celery
1/4 sweet Onion
1/2 clove Garlic
(add chili pepper and salt to taste)
2011 Hangover Special (Right Eye)
5-6 Carrots
1 Beet
3 Large Tomatoes
1 bunch Spinach
1/8 Cabbage
Kale leaves
1 Red Bell-Pepper
1 stalk Celery
1/4 sweet Onion
1/2 clove Garlic
(add chili pepper and salt to taste)