Juicing Recipes For Health Wishes The Best This Holidays!

A massive Merry Christmas to all my Juicing Recipes For Health subscribers and visitors! I truly hope that this holiday season is the best yet!

I finally manged to get my tree standing upright (thanks for asking :)) and I DID get Breville's new juicer under my tree! Happy days indeed. Now all I need is an IPad and a Porsche. Next year I guess. ;)

Take it easy on the eggnog folks, and watch those empty calories!! (Have to say that you know, it's in my contract) May your families be in peace and joyous during this wonderful holiday season! Here's to looking forward, 2011 is a few days away - when you'll all be juicing recipes with me, and getting yourself in the best shape of your life!



Anonymous said...

Here's a juicer trick- add a little pear and banana to greens such as spinach and kale. It will make the green smoothie taste heavenly. It's great.
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